The (unexpected) loss of a spouse, or loss of a parent in childhood, can be extremely harrowing without the right support. SCF was officially registered on 4 January 2019 under section 10 of the Kenya Societies Act. SCF works to create a society where widows, orphans and the elderly have access to basic needs. It began with an informal gathering of a small group of widows in 2011.
According to an article by World Bank “Invisible and Excluded: The fate of widows and divorcees in Africa” - Across Africa, the impact of marital death and divorce falls more heavily on women, who may be excluded socially and lose their home and property after a marriage ends - even through death. Widowhood is the school that no woman is trained for!. Many widows while hidden from view in their own communities bear the heavy burden on their shoulders. They are shut out of labour markets, have fewer productive assets and bear greater responsibility for the children and the elderly.
African widows, irrespective of ethnic or religious groups, are among the most vulnerable and destitute women in the region. Similar to many societies in Africa, widows in Koru, Kisumu County, Kenya are faced with the same fate as they struggle to pick up the pieces after the death of their husbands. In the recent years, besides many widows’ households in Koru plunging into downright poverty, the area has also grown into significantly higher rates of polygamy, promiscuity and HIV cases. There is therefore a great need to develop programs to help widows by empowering and making them aware of their rights and responsibilities.
As the years go by, the percentage of aging widows is growing. From the SCF records as of 29 February 2020, SCF has registered 485 widows. Of these, 5% are above 80 years old and therefore need more than hand-outs and/or skill training
They need respite care, residential care, nursing care and eventually palliative care. More than 50% of the widows are still young and have children/grandchildren to take care of; The age groups are as follows; 20 to 40 years old = 19%, 41 to 60 years old = 42%, 61 to 80 years old = 34% and 81 to 100 years old = 5%. SCF seeks to guide these vulnerable groups from extreme poverty, sicknesses and diseases through skill training, health & wellbeing awareness, education support and entrepreneurship development in Koru, Kisumu County, Kenya. SCF projects will be rolled out in different phases with different project timelines depending on the type of project.